Spider Phobia Course - Surrey & Berkshire 

Ed has featured on Good Morning Britain, Sky News & ITV News 
What is on the course? 
Health and safety talk 
Facts & myths about spiders 
Where arachnophobia comes from 
What are we afraid of? How phobias become stuck in our subconscious mind. 
Multiple Therapeutic & Psychology techniques 
Q & A - Everything you ever wanted to know about spiders but were afraid to ask 
Are False Widow Spiders harmful? 
Group session with Ed including a gradual exposure to the spiders. (All spiders are securely held in tanks) 
Introduction to British spiders and how to recognise and identify them 
Learn how to safely, and without fear, remove unwanted visitors from your home. 
Your chance to tickle a spider or 3! 
Ed Francis is the UKs' number 1 leading spider phobia buster. 
Why makes Ed so good? 
Ed is a fully qualified therapist and has overcome arachnophobia himself and, he is an amateur entomologist specialising in tarantulas and spiders. 
Working with the leading entomologists in the UK and Europe, Ed has earned the name "The Spider Whisperer" and he is well equipped to answer your questions as well as fully understanding the behaviour of people and spiders. 
Do I have to hold a spider? 
Of course you don't, no one should ever make you do something you don't want to do, but then, if you don't, how do you know you have beaten arachnophobia? 
What you will receive after the spider phobia course? 
At the end of the session, you will receive a spider catching kit that you can leave in each of the main rooms of your home. 
You will also receive a photo of you busting your spider phobia to show your friends and family - they won't believe you otherwise. 
Frame it and display it fr everyone to see or even pop it on your fridge. 

Contact Ed about his Spider Phobia Cure 

Tap the link below to read more about Ed's Spider Phobia Course or to book your place.